It is estimated about 24 Million people from the Soviet Union were killed in World War II, some of these were killed deliberatley by the Soviets themselves, but the vast majority were killed by the Germans.
Nazis were not the targets of the Holocaust. I suppose it might technically be possible to answer the question anyway, but you run into the difficulty of distinguishing actual "Nazis" from people who disagreed with the philosophy but joined the party in a nominal way and maintained the appearance of Naziism out of fear.
Troops were not killed in the Holocaust, but Jews 6 million died. ____ The Holocaust was genocide, not a war.
I don't really think that question can be answered, because nobody counted how many of a certain profession died in the holocaust, that's like saying "How many Doctors died during the holocaust?", there isn't really an answer to the question but it could of been many due to the fact that many adults died during the holocaust and some of them could of been clowns...
Slavs and to some degree negroes. Depending on whether you consider them ethnic groups or religious groups: Jews, Roma. __________ Actually, the bit about Slavs needs qualifying. If they did the Nazis' bidding and were 'Western' in outlook and Roman Catholic, they were not persecuted. For example, Slovakia and Croatia were allies of Nazi Germany.
About 11-17 million people died in the Holocaust (depending on the definition of Holocaust used). Unfortunately, there are competing definitions.It was actually the mass murder of six million Jews.There is no agreed definition of Holocaust survivor.Please see the related questions below.
Troops were not killed in the Holocaust, but Jews 6 million died. ____ The Holocaust was genocide, not a war.
There were close to 12 million deaths at the end of the Holocaust. 6 million were Jews, 5 million were Poles, and the 1 million was made up of Gypsies, Slavs, dissabled, and homosexuals.
Practically none, as they were not targets of the Holocaust.
None. The Japanese were not targeted during the Holocaust.
No one was killed for being Buddhist in the Holocaust.
More than 3 but 3 are Communists, Jews and Slavs
I don't really think that question can be answered, because nobody counted how many of a certain profession died in the holocaust, that's like saying "How many Doctors died during the holocaust?", there isn't really an answer to the question but it could of been many due to the fact that many adults died during the holocaust and some of them could of been clowns...
Over 3000 Protestants died in the Holocaust. 5 to 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. However, this is an estimate as it is possible that more may have died.
Many Catholics were killed during the Holocaust, particularly Slavs, Poles, 80% of the Catholic Clergy of German were sent to concentration camps in 1939. 2,600 Catholic priests from 24 different countries were killed.
About 11million.
about 100