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The Americans won about 37 battles and lost only two battles

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14y ago

the won a total of 234 battles

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they won 2 and a half wars

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6 battles

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Q: How many battles did the british win in the revolutionary war?
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What two battles were British victorious in during revolutionary war?

The Battles of Saratoga (September 19 and October 7, 1777)were British victorious in during revolutionary war.

Which battles did the British win in the revolutionary war?


What were the battles of the Revolutionary War?

=There were a total of 39 battles in the revolutionary war.=

How many battles were in the Revolutionary War?

many battles were between the American and the French jokers

How many battles were for in the Revolutionary War?

many battles were between the American and the French jokers

Who won the battles in the Revolutionary War?

The British because General Charles Cornwallis was forced to surrender.

Battles of the Revolutionary War?

There were many battles in the Revolutionary War but there were many famous ones including the Battle at Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Saratoga. To find out more battles, go to the library or go on They have all the information there.

How many battles were won by America in the revolutionary war?


Did The British employ French soldiers to assist them during the early battles of the Revolutionary War?

no,they had their own captains for it.

Maryland's role in Revolutionary War?

Maryland did not hold any significant battles in the Revolutionary War. However, there were many acts of protests and encouragement to revolt against the British. It supplied men and arms for battle and even set a boat full of British Tea on fire.Ê

How many battles did the British lose in the American Revolution?

the won a total of 234 battles

First battles of revolutionary war were fought where?

The first two battles of the Revolutionary War that were fought were the Battles of Lexington and Concord.