Recommend researching: Statistics About The Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
In addition to over 58,000 US servicemen killed in, more than 300,000 were wounded.
There were 600,000 deaths in the civil war, and probably twice as many lethalities or injuries.
There were every kind of injuries you could imagine - and many you could not.
Those statistics are itemized on the "Vietnam War casualties" website.
If your question is about the youngest US Servicemen killed in Vietnam; See: Statistics About the Vietnam War (on line); Recommended by the History Channel.
In 2005 there were a total of 33,541 drug induced deaths.
A stupor is when a person is almost completely unconscious and not aware of what they are doing and unresponsive to most things, except pain. Being this way can be caused by many things, but if it is through drugs, it is a drug-induced stupor.
toxic hepatitis is a drug induced liver injury caused by many conventional drugs of supplementary substances.
In addition to over 58,000 US servicemen killed in, more than 300,000 were wounded.
Opium has many people addicted in Afghanistan. This lethal drug has led to over 2,700 civilian deaths and over 4,800 civilian injuries alone in 2012. Many children are also having this drug addiction in Pakistan also.
40,000 men a month in 1968. Be advised, statistics showing "volunteers" are largely draft induced volunteers; an old trick when writing stats.
Foot injuries can be caused by many different things, but the majority of them are caused by running. If you injured your foot during your last game, perhaps you have strained a muscle. Try icing the injury as well as taking some anti-inflammatories. If the pain persists I would suggest a visit to your doctor.
crystallization may be induced through vigorous stirring, ice bath or through seeding.
The Vietnam war, changes to American society due to the civil rights movement, rise of the drug scene, arms race and many others.
he has had 50 injuries in his career
44 president in vietnam