In addition to over 58,000 US servicemen killed in, more than 300,000 were wounded.
Recommend researching: Statistics About The Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
There were 600,000 deaths in the civil war, and probably twice as many lethalities or injuries.
Those statistics are itemized on the "Vietnam War casualties" website.
Try: Statistics About The Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
If your question is about the youngest US Servicemen killed in Vietnam; See: Statistics About the Vietnam War (on line); Recommended by the History Channel.
Recommend researching: Statistics About The Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
Shrapnel and bullets were the most common, in that order.
After the war, there was a reunification of Vietnam. So the answer is "One country".
There were 600,000 deaths in the civil war, and probably twice as many lethalities or injuries.
Those statistics are itemized on the "Vietnam War casualties" website.
Approximately 2,594,000 US Servicemen served in the Vietnam War.
See website: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
Yes. Before the US committed to the Vietnam War, many Americans had not even heard of Vietnam.
Over 300,000 US servicemen were wounded in the Vietnam War.
The website, "Vietnam War casualties" might be helpful.
alot of women died in the Vietnam war died
Two: 1st Indochina War (French Indochina War) & 2nd Indochina War (America's Vietnam War).