Keep in mind, that statistics continue to be updated: 8 US military female personnel were killed in Vietnam. One 1st Lieutenant Nurse was killed when enemy rockets struck her building. One was killed while a passenger on board a helicopter when it accidently crashed. One was killed, while riding as a passenger in a Jeep, which accidently crashed. Five were killed, during Operation Baby Lift; the evacuation of South Vietnam, in 1975. The largest US Air Force transport at that time, the C-5 Galexy, had filled up with women & children evacuee's. It crashed during take off, killing most people aboard.
Equal opportunity occurred AFTER Vietnam. Vietnam was the last traditional war fought by men. Women in Vietnam and the US Military were ALL VOLUNTEERS, and they mostly served in the medical field. US Military leadership in Vietnam consisted of World War II commanders (Westmoreland, Abrams, Colonel Patton (GEN Patton's son), Curtis LeMay, etc.) and they fought Vietnam WWII style; which was the only way they knew. American tradition in Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, etc. required that "Mom and Apple Pie" were to be protected; consequently, US women were men. Only 8 US military females died in Vietnam, and 7 of those were in accidents. 5 were killed during "Operation Baby Lift" when the C-5 Galaxy they were in crashed on take off during the evacuation of South Vietnam in 1975.
Those statistics are itemized on the "Vietnam War casualties" website.
About 211,472 casualties.
See Vietnam War casualties by year (posted by 1/69th Armor Association).
Over 3,000 Pennsylvania men were killed in Vietnam. See website: Vietnam War Casualties by state, for their names.
See: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
About 1,000,000 men.
Those statistics are itemized on the "Vietnam War casualties" website.
The website, "Vietnam War casualties" might be helpful.
Slightly over 58,000
See: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
See Vietnam War casualties by year (posted by 1/69th Armor Association).
About 211,472 casualties.
Over 3,000 Pennsylvania men were killed in Vietnam. See website: Vietnam War Casualties by state, for their names.
See: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
See: Vietnam War casualties by state.
Obtaining accurate figures for the South Vietnamese Government Forces (ARVN, South Vietnamese Marines, South Vietnamese Air Force, South Vietnamese Navy) is difficult, as SOUTH Vietnam has NOT EXISTED for over a quarter of a century. Northern casualties can be estimated. Southern casualties can be estimated. See sites: Vietnam War Casualties & Statistics about the Vietnam War.
The state of Illinois lost 2,929 men killed in the Vietnam War. The website Vietnam War Casualties by state, lists those men by name, state, and city/district.