With a hook and eye set for military rank shoulder patches (the ones that go from front to back on top of shoulders.) I know Quartermasters Shop still sells them. Far as I know, shoulder boards are Navy, but a retired Merchant Marine Admiral could be wrong. The Union Civil War Navy only changed styles 4 times during "the war of Northern aggression" as my great grandfather used to call that military mess. I'm wondering if there was a declaration of war as required by the Constitution in what we call the Civil War.
code of Hammurabi
she lost in in a war by doing something like fighting against kush
yes, when he was in Africa he was in a bombing raid and got his hand blown and his eye damaged so he got an eye patch and hook.
1,293 people get pink eye a year
yes, I have used it for pink eye and it worked. It only works for pink eye caused by bacteria though. It does not treat viral pink eye.
pink eye
No. You can only get pink eye but touching your eye with dirty hands.
If your eye is pink and you don't have pink eye, you may have broken a blood vessel. It will clear up in a few days. You could also have allergies or be tired or stressed out.
My children have had pink eye several times and if your eye is bleeding it sounds like more than pink eye! Are you sure you have not just scratched it to the point it is very raw? If that is not the case, I would see an eye doctor right away!Remember, pink eye is very contagious.Good luck!
can you go on a cruise with pink eye
Rhianna has had pink eye of course
pink eye is the common name
The name for Pink eye is Conjunctivitis.
there are almost one fourth of people in US have pink eyes.
"Pink eye" as you describe it can be caused by lots of different things, many of which don't need antibiotic treatment