Discounting AAA gun crews, SAM site crews, transportation personnel, engineers, and just counting the NVA infantrymen & tank crewmen, possibly 500,000 men thru out the war. A vast amount of NVA casualties were attributed to the B52 Stratofortress...this weapon destroyed more men than any other weapon during the was also the most feared weapon by the communists (both NVA & VC).
Hanoi has hinted that approximately 2 million communists (total) died in the war.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
Communist guerrillas living in South Vietnam. The NVA were regular army (regular soldiers) living in North Vietnam whom marched south into South Vietnam to wage war. VC-didn't wear uniforms (generally) NVA-wore uniforms
US: 58,000 dead; 300,000 wounded. S. Viets: approximately 200,000 dead. NVA/VC: Estimated at 1,000,000 dead.
Although not generally reported to the men in the field by name, high ranking US officers believed that some NVA generals may have been killed during B-52 strikes. General Giap, one of the few NVA generals fairly common to most US servicemen, due to his reputation during the French War, as well as the siege at the Marine Corps base at Khe Sanh; definitely survived the war & definitely would have been reported as killed...if he had been.
Although not specifically listing the 35th Cbt En; engineers "in general" are listed: See website: "Casualties-US vs NVA/VC"
By NVA tanks over running South Vietnam's capital in April 1975.
The NVA.
Nva & vc.
NVA and VC.
NVA and VC.
One source indicated one million NVA were KIA during the war; however that figure may have included AAA sites (in North Vietnam) and transportation teams (from the heavily bombed Ho Chi Minh trail) which in many cases, consisted of North Vietnamese females, which were not part of the NVA maneuver units. Another source combined VC casualties with NVA casualties, which would be a another inaccuracy, since the VC were southerners.
NVA determination.
Nva & Vc.
NVA is the vietnam NlGGERS
To evade the advancing NVA.
NVA (North Vietnamese Army).