Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War, approximately 19,000 of them were draftees. Approximately 600 Australians were killed during the war.
President Johnson's visit to Australia during the Vietnam War was met by Australian anti-war protests.
The Vietnam War happened in the 1960's and throughout the 60's. The Vietnam War is considered to be one of the most pointless wars in US history.
Australia mirrored US actions.
Australia deployed a regiment of their Centurion tanks to Vietnam.
Korea, Australia, Phillipines, and Canada all pitched in during the Vietnam war alongside the U.S. effort to preserve democracy in South Vietnam.
Australian society mirrored American society after the war, on a smaller scale, due to population differences.
Australia had nothing to do with the Vietnam War.
Australia never fought Vietnam.
Vietnam was part of the cold war.
Australia entered the Vietnam War because Australia feared that they would have to face the spread of Communism.
President Johnson's visit to Australia during the Vietnam War was met by Australian anti-war protests.
Australia was an ally of the US and sent troops to fight in both WWII and Vietnam.
The North won.
Part of the cold war.
false vietnam war never happened
Operation Sea Dragon - Vietnam War - happened on 1966-10-25.