If you want a exact number please go to the DOD web site. There they can give the grim details. However you will find that the number is small. More Americans die each year from drugs and alcohol. They all need to be in our prayers...
There cannot be a correct answer to that question. Some days there will be 1,000 deaths and the next day no one would die. It is impossible to know the exact.
71-72 million people died worldwide in World War 2. 50 million deaths were the direct result of Adolph Hitler coming to power and causing all the mayhem he caused. More civilians than military people died. Many civilians and military people did not die from war wounds but rather from exposure, starvation, torture, murder and disease as a result of the war.
1.7 billion where killed
I believe it's one million directly and indirectly
Normally if you have a parent in the military and they die. Most defiantly you will get a scholarship and they will support you through out college. And if you have a military id, they will let you keep it working pass the age of 18
About 250 people die of avalanches each year.
There are a great many wonderful people that die of cancer in a year. This number is in the thousands.
about 25,000 people die from gangrene a year
1,000,000 die each year
3 people die by bulls every year.
125 people die by tigers every year.
35 people die by jellyfishes every year.
24,000 people die every day of famine. That is 8,760,000 people a year.
no one knows yet how many people die each year from quicksand but i am pretty sure its not many.
5.4 millon people die each year from tobacco?
500,000 people die a year on average from lung cancer and cancer caused from smoking