US figures for theMexican War (1846–1848) Total servicemembers 78,718 Battle deaths 1,733 Other deaths in service (nontheater) 11,550 Nonmortal woundings 4,152
When the civil war of Sierra Leone ended, it was estimated that 50,000 people died from it.
Around 100,592 people died
340000 people died of pooping
About 510,300
about...317, 482 people died in the Spanish civil war
many people were unhappy during the Mexican revolution because many of their family members died and were injured from the war
When the civil war of Sierra Leone ended, it was estimated that 50,000 people died from it.
over 30 million people died in the civil war
Only 150 people died of salmonella during the civil war
4,000 people died on the cofederate side
Around 100,592 people died
Approximately 638,000 people
over 100,000 people