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There were 1 million British soldiers engaged in the Battle of Somme. Of those million, the British alone suffered 420,000 casualties. If both French and German casualties are entered into the equation, there were more than a million casualties.

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10y ago
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11y ago

An exact total may be impossible. Its often said that the British had 60,000 casualties on that first day, July 1, 1916, but that would include wounded, missing and prisoners, as well as men killed outright. The British Fourth Army casualties for that day are available. This was the field Army to which all 13 of the attacking British divisions that day belonged. On July 1 the Fourth Army reported 57,470 casualties, of whom 19,240 were killed. To the south of the Fourth Army the French Sixth Army also attacked with 5 divisions, and reported 1,590 casualties, of whom probably one-thrid were killed. Losses in the German Second Army, which received the attack, are estimated at 10,000 to 12,000, and again, probably one-third of those were killed. This can be only an estimate derived from German reports for the time period including that day, as numbers for that day alone were not separately reported. Additional men almost certainly died in the air services of all three nations, and probably among troops in the artillery behind the lines, not all of which were assigned to the respective field armies, and so those casualties would not have been included in the reports mentioned above. Its probably close to the actual total to say that around 25,000 men died that day, among all the armies involved.

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16y ago

I dont know! but there were 57,000 casualties!

The British suffered 19,240 dead, 35,493 wounded, 2,152 missing and 585 prisoners for a total loss of 57,470

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10y ago

During the Battle of the Somme, the British Empire and the French lost 623,907 men. The German Empire lost between 237,000 and 500,000 men.

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16y ago

Killed & wounded about 58 000 on the first day.

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16y ago

19, 240 Killed, 35, 493 Wounded, 2, 152 Missing, 585 Captured. Oh, and that's just for the British. French & German losses were comparitively light.

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12y ago

In the Battle of Somme there were 1,000,000 casualties altogether on both sides; 60,000 Britons on the first day.

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Q: How many people died on the first day of the battle of the somme?
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first day 57000 were killed

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420,000 british men were killed at the battle of the somme

How many people died in the battle of Somme?

AnswerCasualties were 650,000 Germans, 420,000 Britons, 195,000 Frenchmen. This is dead people and badly injured people! :(

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Not by a long shot. The casualties on each side of the battle of Iwo Jima were only around 25,000 each. The worst battle in history is debatably the battle of the Somme, where 20,000 British soldiers died on the very first day of battle. Between July and November of 1916, approximately 1 million soldiers total died at the Somme.

How many british solidiers died on the first day of the battle of S omme?

The first day of the Battle of the Somme was horrendous. It is estimated that about 19,240 British soldiers were killed and another 30,000 wounded.

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it could have been avoided because if the battle of Verdun had not of started there would not of been the battle of somme. the somme was ment to be a distraction for the Germans to help the french recover there wounded men. If the leaders were beter not as mutch men would of died

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It was a disaster...over 1,000,000 soldiers died in it...

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its remeberd for the wrong reasons because a signficant amount of people died and lots of others were brutily injerd

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How many Canadians died in the somme battle?

Canadian casualties at the Somme were about 24,000 of which 7,900 were killed; plus another 255 dead from Newfoundland.(Newfoundland was not part of Canada in 1916)

What are facts about the battle of somme?

Why is it called Somme ? Why is Somme important ? Where is Somme written in the School building of Daisyfieldprimaryschool in blackburn 2009 Lancashire? on the first day 20'000 British troops died it was led by Douglas hag (British side) it started on July 1st