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They didn't completely destroy targets, as Britain's defence system was strong, and helped us to win the Battle OF Britain. However, the main targets were Southeast England & the London area.

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Q: How many targets did the Luftwaffe destroy in World War 2?
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How many Allied planes shot down during airborne assault on 6.6.1944?

None, there was no Luftwaffe opposition.

Why did the Germans fail when they invaded russia?

Many reasons, partly the weather, the Luftwaffe's failure to re-supply the Wehrmacht and the ferocious level of Russian resistance to Germany.

What is a World War 2 German Luftwaffe dagger worth?

about 800-1200 dollars for most, these prices can dramatically change depending on many factors on the dagger such as maker, condition, and handle color. (ex. orange is worth the most money for the color of handle since it is more rare.)

What is a nuclear Holocaust?

It is the scenario wherein the U.S. and Russia launch their nuclear weapons, and the multiple strikes in both countries and on other secondary targets around the world destroy many of the world's large urban centers and strategic installations. There will be an extended loss of life as economic systems collapse. The world will revert to a less advanced and interconnected place and will suffer under the after effects of the many blasts and all the environmental damage that they will do. Human life will be pushed to the brink of extinction. Big Bomb - It is more the scenario when the entire world is devastated by a globe shattering nuclear war that turns the world into a desolate waste. A nuclear holocaust is the event where most of human life is wiped from existence by nuclear devastation, it would not just involve the United States and Russia, but more or less all nations with a nuclear arsenal. These include the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France. Big Bomb - A nuclear holocaust usually involves the widespread use of nuclear weapons detonating the major cities of the world. Most likely, the communists would join together in targeting the capitalist nations. New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago would be primary targets for Russia, while Moscow and other major urban centres in Russia would be big targets for the US.

What did the submarine do in World War 2?

the submarine played a key part in world war 2 for many countries, Germany used them extensively against British shipping and to destroy royal navy ships, the British used them again to destroy a few well known German ships, Japan had submarines as well like the midget submarine they also used to attack the US, ad the united states also had submarines in the pacific theater.

Related questions

Where did the children living?

In many counties well away from major cities or potential targets for the Luftwaffe. Many children were sent to Canada until a transport was torpedoed.

Where did the evacuated children live?

In many counties well away from major cities or potential targets for the Luftwaffe. Many children were sent to Canada until a transport was torpedoed.

How many Luftwaffe died in world war 2?


How many targets are there in the world?


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How many people did Adolf Hitler get to bomb the world?

He used the Luftwaffe

How many times can the US destroy the world?

In theory, you can't destroy something and then destroy it again...

How many fighters did the Luftwaffe have?

At the height of wartime production the Luftwaffe had about 2,700 fighter aircraft.

How many fighter planes did the Luftwaffe have?

At the height of wartime production the Luftwaffe had about 2,700 fighter aircraft.

How many Allied aircraft did the Regia Aeronautica destroy in the Battle of Britain?

The Corpo Aereo Italiano is credited by most sources as many as 15,but both the German as well as Italian aviators who operated R.A. craft under Luftwaffe command downed or damanged over a couple of hundred more,and of course it is know to everyone only all too well,killed or wounded many Allied Airmen and achieved some very horrific damnage to both property and military fascilities in both cost and destruction with the targets they succeeded in hitting.-Source:In the Skies over Europe Air Forces Allied to the Luftwaffe by Hans Werner Neulen

How many axis aircraft and aircrews were lost defending France and the low countries in the battle of Britain?

None, because nobody was attacking France and the low countries. This battle was strictly about the Luftwaffe's aim to destroy the RAF.

Who carried out the Union plan to destroy southern railroads?

Mostly Sherman. He destroyed many non-militay targets during his march to the sea through Georgia. Hope this helps! ;)