Both believed that anyone who questioned the government should be harshly punished - apex
they both killed millions of people Stalin actually would kill more people than Hitler. Both Stalin and Hitler had a bad childhood mostly because of their fathers. they were also great at using Propaganda. Hitler and Stalin had a non aggression pact but it ended on June 22, 1941 and Stalin would end up defeating Hitler in WWII.
Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin were alike because they both wanted to industrialize their countries. Although their goals for agriculture were never met, they both lied about the amounts that they were actually producing.
Joseph Stalin gave the order to destroy everything that could be useful to Germans.So the people fleeing east used to destroy their own houses, to burn the crop field, the industry plants...The same defensive strategy had been previoulsy made against the Napoleon advance.
Leon Trotsky was part of the Bolshevic party during the early years of the USSR. After Lenin (the previous leader of the USSR) died in the 1920's, Trotsky and Joseph Stalin both fought for the power of ruling the USSR. Stalin won, and then exiled Trotsky, afraid that he might organize a military coup to overthrow Stalin.
Awesome moustache and keen fashion sense. Besides the mustache, he also led a largely agrarian society through a massive-scale industrial revolution. Basically, with foresight and iron-fisted tactics, Stalin created a superpower out of a nation that had been seen as poor and weak for hundreds of years.
Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan. Stalin agreed to collaborate with the establishment of the United Nations Organisation which had already been discussed at the Dumbarton Oaks meeting in 1944. Churchill got Stalin to agree that France should have a zone of occupation in the defeated Germany Stalin got an agreement that the Soviet/Polish border would be the Curzon Line and that the Polish/German border would be the Oder-Neisse Line. Stalin agreed to free elections in Poland, to be held as quickly as was possible after the war had ended. Stalin agreed that members of the Polish government in exile could have a place in the new Polish government. A "Declaration on Liberated Europe" was released which stated that all nations previously under German control would have a democratic government.
The Vietnam War might have been avoided, if communism had not been involved.
Stalin's demise was caused by a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke, which might or might not have been induced by the surreptitious administration of warfarin, a blood thinner used to kill rats, by Stalin's inner circle and high members of the Politburo.
No. Stalin has never been recorded speaking English
The main language of Europe would be English it would be french.
As Napoleon I, Napoleon Bonaparte was Emperor of the French. Thus he was emperor of a people, not of a nation, as he would have been had he been Emperor of France.
It basically refers to communist Russia. You have Napoleon who was Josef Stalin. Snowball who was trovsky. Old major who could have possible been Vladimir Lenin and Moses who definitely represented all religions during that time.
Probably not, but Napoleon was facing the reality of the French Revolution.
No, Joseph Stalin did not die in the Holocaust. Stalin died in 1953 from a stroke, when the Holocaust had been over for 8 years.
Stalin was of Georgian descent, both parents having been born in the independent country of Georgia. Stalin was not Russian by birth.
Stalin was Lenin's successor, even though Lenin didn't actually like Stalin much. Before that, Stalin had been in charge of the Communist Party's administration.
That Joseph Stalin was a brutal, murderous dictator can no longer be denied. The historical evidence is overwhelming.
Perhaps, Napoleon was a close follower of the brothers Maximilian and Augustin Robespierre who were advocates of the deist theology espoused by Rousseau. He might have supported Napoleon's advocacy for Protestants, Jews and Muslims and would surely have supported his treatment of the Catholic Church in general, but would have been appalled at his acceptance of the last rites.
Yes, Stalin did die of a stroke, a cerebral hemorrhage, but whether it was by natural causes or murder is debatable. Traces of warfarin, a rat poison that prevents blood from coagulating, were found in his body after his death. It might have been given to him by any one or several of his closest associates at that time out of fear that Stalin would turn on them at any moment.