Leon Trotsky was part of the Bolshevic party during the early years of the USSR. After Lenin (the previous leader of the USSR) died in the 1920's, Trotsky and Joseph Stalin both fought for the power of ruling the USSR. Stalin won, and then exiled Trotsky, afraid that he might organize a military coup to overthrow Stalin.
he left because he was expelled from the communist party. He was later assinated by an ice axe
Trotsky left Russia because he was ordered to. He had already been expelled from the Communist Party but it was not until later that he was ordered to get out of the country.
Trotsky was expelled from the country first to Turkey, then France, then Norway, finally to Mexico. In 1940 he was assassinated by KGB ordered by Stalin. A Russian agent plunged the pointed end of an ice ax into Trotsky's skull killing him. The assassin was able to reach Trotsky by pretending to be interested in some of the articles written by Trotsky.
The Revolution in Russia ended Russia's involvement
Bolshevik revolutionary leader was Leon Trotsky
If you are referring to WW1, then russia left early
Trotksy certainly played a key role as People's Commisar [Minister] for War and managed to persuade many former Tsarist officers to stay in Russia and join the Red Army.
by farting
Leon Trotsky.
Leon Trotsky used his pen to oppose Stalin.
By an armoured train
Leon Trotsky used his pen to oppose Joseph Stalin in an attempt to improve life in Russia. However, despite his efforts, Trotsky was not effective in his opposition to Stalin due to a combination of factors such as Stalin's consolidation of power, support from key party members, and Trotsky's own political miscalculations. Trotsky's ideas and criticisms were ultimately overshadowed by Stalin's ruthless tactics and control over the Soviet government and Communist Party.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks; however Leon Trotsky led the October Revolution. Trotsky coordinated it and carried it out.
Leon Trotsky held many beliefs both in political science, economics and in Marxism. Leon Trotsky believed in the basics of Marxism. He believed that only a violent revolution could bring about a communist society in both Czarist Russia and the Russia ruled by a Provisional Government that replaced the czar when the czar had to abdicate. Trotsky understood how difficult it would be in transforming Russia to help its people. He believed that perseverance was necessary. He worked long and hard for the goal of creating a Marxist state in Russia. Trotsky also believed that Josef Stalin had abandoned Marxism and was directing the USSR into a one ruler State. That State would be controlled by Stalin.
Leon Trotsky was not the leader of the USSR because he was exiled from the country (but first the Communist Party) by Joseph Stalin. Stalin used a divide and conquer strategy, allying himself with other political figures to outnumber Trotsky.
Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
Leon Trotsky organized the Red Army.
It symbolizes when Leon Trotsky got exiled from Russia.
Trotsky was going to rule but still,Stalin took over.Marx on the other hand lived a long time away from the Russian revolution...so...there you have it.