The war in Iraq is very similar to the Vietnam War, and the US is very good at fighting wars and terrible at establishish peace.
No military draft (we now have an all volunteer military) and the adult age for US Citizens is 18...instead of age 21. Over 20,000 young men that died in Vietnam were not legal adults.
Assuming an 18-year old was in Vietnam in April, 1973 when the last U.S. combat forces left Vietnam, he might live to be 90 years old in 2045. Most Vietnam vets have turned 65, or will turn 65 in the next five years.
See: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.
Over 11,000 US Servicemen UNDER twenty years old were killed in the Vietnam War.
He didn't go to Vietnam. He only played a part as if he had.
Increased distrust in the government, a united Vietnam, and an all volunteer armed forces.
All volunteer military.
The all volunteer military
From a conscripted military to an all volunteer military.
New adult age and volunteer army.
The all volunteer military.
An all volunteer US Armed Forces as a result of draft resistance and protest.
Usually 16 years old is how old do you have to be to volunteer for the red cross.
1. The all volunteer Army! 2. The all volunteer Air Force! (they never drafted much anyway). 3. The all volunteer Navy! 4. The all volunteer Marine Corps!
The all Volunteer military.
Lowered voting age; all volunteer military