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No military draft (we now have an all volunteer military) and the adult age for US Citizens is 18...instead of age 21. Over 20,000 young men that died in Vietnam were not legal adults.

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North won.

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Q: The result of the Vietnam war?
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Was Vietnam's division a result of the Vietnam War?

It was the result of the 1st Indochina War, aka French Indochina War (1946-1954).

What was a result of the end of the war Vietnam?

Communist control of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

What was the result of the Vietnam war with the Americans?

America lost

What the end of the Vietnam war result in?

in bad resuls

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The North invaded the South and defeated them (conquered them).

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Communist forces gained more territory because of the Vietnam war, but not as a result of the Korean War :) -Apex-

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Communist forces gained more territory because of the Vietnam war, but not as a result of the Korean War. Apex

What happened as a result of the vietnamese war?

North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam and became one nation. The Republic of South Vietnam no longer exists.

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It didn't, Cambodia was officially neutral.

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It didn't end in a stalement. The North won the war.

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The Vietnam Syndrome (a nation wide lack of confidence).

What genre of music was a result of the Vietnam War?

Grunts in Vietnam, hit their selector switch and threw their M16s on "Rock 'N Roll."