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An attempt was ALWAYS made to evacuate them out of the danger zone(s).

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Q: How was life for women during and after the Vietnam war?
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What does the soldier in the Vietnam's women's memorial signify?

The statue represents the US Military Nurses that served in the Vietnam War. The roles of women during the Vietnam War, were the same as portrayed during the Korean War (see films: MASH), WWII, and World War I.

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Hatred for the war.

What schooling did women go through before Vietnam war?

During the Vietnam War, in the US military, women were part of the WAC's (Women's Army Corps) in the US Army. The US Navy had the WAVE's.

What was life like for you during the time of the Vietnam war?

it was horrible

What air disaster had the largest loss of life during the vietnam war?

Unknown if it was the "largest loss of life" in the Viet War, but it certainly had one of the largest impacts of the war; Operation Baby Lift, when 5 of the 8 total US military women killed in the Vietnam War died along with large numbers of babies...when their C5 Galaxy transport crashed during take off in 1975. If that crash hadn't occurred only 3 US military women would have died in the Vietnam War.

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!

What was a group of nurses called in Vietnam war?

During the Vietnam War, WWII, etc. all US military women were either WACs, WAVES, or WAFs.

What were most women serving as during the war in Vietnam?

Women served in the WAVES & WACs during WWII, Korea and Vietnam. They were auxiliaries supporting the American Fighting Men. Their predominant duties were as medical nurses.

Who is lieutenant James magel during Vietnam?

Lieutenant James Magellan was a pilot for the Marine Corp during the Vietnam war. His plane was shot down and he lost hos life during the war.

How many women died in the Vietnam war?

alot of women died in the Vietnam war died

How did the women fight for their rights during the Vietnam War?

They were combined with the civil rights movements of the 60's.