A reason that is NOT for the Civil War is to get more land.
the north opposed the extension of slavery into new states
the north opposed the extension of slavery into new states
the main reason was the slavery rights
Actually there were two major issues that were decided by the US Civil War. The end of the Confederate rebellion made it clear that secession from the United States was eventually as being illegal. The Union's victory in the US Civil War also meant that slavery would be abolished in the US by the 13th amendment.
An Abolitionist supported the abolition or end of slavery during the US Civil War.
The north, which was against slavery.
its spelled civil war and the president during the civil war was Abraham Lincoln and he was assassinated at the end of the war but it was all because of slavery
civil war. civil war.
The most common definition of a Radical Republican during the US Civil War was a Republican who viewed the war as a crusade against slavery. They were a minority in the party. But they were a vocal minority.
A reason that is NOT for the Civil War is to get more land.
The civil war started over "States Rights", not slavery.
The 16th U.S. president Abraham Lincoln.
slavery ;) thats it