The corpses were burned in crematoria.
When the Jews were treated really badly by the Germans, and it was so bad it was called The Holocaust.
during world war 2 most major countries were effected. during the holocaust people of Jewish heritage were affected. also prisoners of war were taken and given similar treatment to those of whom were Jewish or of Jewish heritage.
No they did not read during the Holocaust because the Nazis took everything they owned
Answer this question… The United States was wrong to drop nuclear weapons on Japan during World War II.
They were mainly treated as the same as the Jews were treated.
Jewish people were treated horribly during the holocaust
No! They were not. They were often sent to be killed because they were considered weak and unable to work. No one was treated well during the holocaust.
Many groups fought, but if the Holocaust were to be split into two groups, they would be the victims and the perpetrators.
they were the ones that looked like ethiopean children
Jews, Gypsies, and mentally/physically deformed people.
The corpses were burned in crematoria.
The main victims were Jews from all the nations invaded by the Nazis.
Generally they would have been saved during the Holocaust, assuming that you are asking when Holocaust victims were saved from the Holocaust.
Jews during the Holocaust were tortured, and starved
Approximately six million of the estimated nine million Holocaust victims were Jewish.