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Horribly. Well, they got some type of medicine and rest, but no comfortness and if you weren't well after 2+ days, you were given a shot that kills you instantly, in one camp. Read "Surviving Hitler" for more details. P.S. There are SO many more books out there!

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Q: How were Holocaust victims treated medically during the Holocaust?
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What other groups were victims during the holocaust besides the Jews?

They were mainly treated as the same as the Jews were treated.

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When were the Jewish people badly treated?

Jewish people were treated horribly during the holocaust

where the children in the holocaust treated good?

No! They were not. They were often sent to be killed because they were considered weak and unable to work. No one was treated well during the holocaust.

What two grups fought during the holocaust?

Many groups fought, but if the Holocaust were to be split into two groups, they would be the victims and the perpetrators.

How do you know who the Jewish victims were during the holocaust?

they were the ones that looked like ethiopean children

Which group were main victims during the Holocaust?

Jews, Gypsies, and mentally/physically deformed people.

What was the thing that burned victims of gas chambers during the Holocaust called?

The corpses were burned in crematoria.

What group was target during the holocaust?

The main victims were Jews from all the nations invaded by the Nazis.

When were the Jew's saved from the Holocaust?

Generally they would have been saved during the Holocaust, assuming that you are asking when Holocaust victims were saved from the Holocaust.

How were the Jews treated sub human?

Jews during the Holocaust were tortured, and starved

How many Jew were killed out of a total population of Jews living during the Holocaust?

Approximately six million of the estimated nine million Holocaust victims were Jewish.