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Yes to both questions.Almost all men Married or not had to register for conscription and all conscripts were forced to do military training.

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Register; then be notified by mail. The letter then told them when & where to report for induction.

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Q: How were men conscripted into the Vietnam war?
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How many Australian men were conscripted to war in Vietnam?

Approximately 63,000 men were drafted and about 19,000 of those men served in country in South Vietnam.

Why people in the uswere divided about the Vietnam War?

Approximately 40,000 men a month were being conscripted into the US military; most of the riots were because of the draft.

What are descriptors?

"Conscripts" during the Vietnam War were constripted men for military duty. Conscription is another word for "Draft." During the Viet War, a "drafted man" was a "conscripted man."

Were young men conscripted into the army during the Vietnam War?

Yes. If by conscripted, you mean drafted. The draft effectively populated the ranks of the US Military during this war. The draft of the period was by lottery drawing, and there were conditions that young men could use to avoid being drafted. You can read more, below.


From approximately 1962-1972 over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in Vietnam, of which over 19,000 were drafted men. Over 63,000 Australian men were conscripted (drafted) during the war. Nearly 520 Australians were killed in Vietnam, of which over 200 were conscripts. 2,400 were injured.

Were young men conscripted into the Australian army during the Vietnam War?

From approximately 1962-1972 over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in Vietnam, of which over 19,000 were drafted men. Over 63,000 Australian men were conscripted (drafted) during the war. Nearly 520 Australians were killed in Vietnam, of which over 200 were conscripts. 2,400 were injured.

The citizens of the Civil War were what to the Vietnam war?

Citizens from both wars were conscripted. Citizens from both wars protested and rioted.

Is there a specific word that means when men and women are forced to go to war?

Traditionally men were conscripted.

What is another word for drafting men to a war?

enrolled, recruited, enlisted, conscripted

Why was the Vietnam War contraversial in America?

Largely because US citizens could be un-willing participants in the war. By be conscripted into military service.

How were soldiers recruited to fight in the US and North Vietnam and South Vietnam Also if there was a military draft who was eligible for this draft?

All three nations conscripted their men. All able bodied men were eligible for the draft.

How men were conscripted into the war.?

Register; then be notified by mail. The letter then told them when & where to report for induction.