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Causes of death in VietnamSeveral variables caused deaths in the Vietnam War. These include fatal bullet wounds received during the course of firefights between opposing sides, grenade or artillery shrapnel wounds etc. Probably one of the most frightening and effective death causing weapons were antivehicle and antipersonnel mines. The simplistic, but volatile mines used by both sides could open up APCs like tuna cans and do serious same to unsuspecting soldeirs. This added to the constant fear in the Vietnam War.
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13y ago
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15y ago

1. Bullets

2. Shrapnel (Artillery/Mortars)

3. Mines/booby traps (these also killed US Riverine Sailors on Swift Boats, etc.)

4. Anti-Aircraft Missiles/Fire (killed many US pilots/aircrewmen

5. Helicopter/Jet/Propeller driven Airplane Crashes (both combat & operational)

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14y ago

Approximately 18,618 US servicemen were killed by gunfire (small arms) in Vietnam. About 8,456 men were killed by artillery, mortar, and rocket shrapnel.

It's unknown which category airmen would be placed in, as they died as a result of a combination from all of the above when their fighter/bombers were shot down over North/South Vietnam.

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17y ago

Most American deaths were caused by booby traps and VC ambushes. Most VC deaths were caused by American air and artilllery stikes

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15y ago

18,618 from bullets, about 8,456 from shrapnel, the other 35,000 from other causes.

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