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They succeeded in overthrowing the French colonial government, but failed to establish a strong economy.

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3y ago

They succeeded in overthrowing the French colonial government, but failed to establish a strong economy.

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Q: How were political movements in Algeria both successful and damaging to the country following World War 2?
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How were political movements Algeria both successful and damaging to the country following world war 2?

They succeeded in overthrowing the French colonial government, but failed to establish a strong economy.

How were political movements to Ghana both successful and damaging to the country following world war 2?

They succeeded in establishing an independent state, but failed to establish a liberal democracy as they initially planned.

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Answer this question… They succeeded in establishing an independent state but failed to create a government free of corruption.

How were political movements in Ghana both successful and damaging to the country following world ward II?

They succeeded in overthrowing the French colonial government but failed to establish a strong economy.

How were the political movements in Algeria both success full and damaging to the country following world war 2?

The political movements in Algeria following World War II were successful in gaining independence from French colonial rule in 1962. However, the struggle for independence led to a protracted and violent conflict, causing significant damage to the country in terms of loss of life, infrastructure destruction, and societal divisions that still impact Algeria today.

How were political movement in Ghana both successful and damaging to the country following world war 2?

They succeeded in establishing an independent state, but failed to establish a liberal democracy as they initially planned.

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