Adolf Hitler killed 11 million people in the Holocaust. His effort to expand Germany eastward resulted in the deaths of about 15 - 25% of the entire population of Poland. Huge areas of Ukraine were devastated with hard-to-estimate casualties. The Soviet estimate was 20 to 30 million killed within their borders. The total number killed in the war and Holocaust would total well in excess of 30 million people.Personally, he killed himself and possibly his wife. There are stories that he also killed a leader of the SA, but that would be impossible to confirm.
there was so many people killed that u coulnt even count it.disabled people were killed as a part of the T-4 programme, if disabled people were killed in the Holocaust, it was because they were Jewish rather than their disability.
1. Let's rephrase the Question. The Holocaust was an event, not a place. 2. Behind the whole scheme was the Nazi's, or sometimes refered to as the German Workers' Party. 3. Their Leader was Adolf Hitler 4. In case your refering to the concentration camps, eg. Auschwitz; Many German soldiers, and Lots of Jewish people who were tricked into going there, forced away from family and given little to eat, and at times just gased to death. They all wore striped "pygamas" and also wore a armband with the star of david written on it.
about 5.1 million gypsies, non Jews and prisoners of war, especially Russians. --- If one takes takes 11 million as the figure for the total number killed in the wider holocaust - that is including the groups listed above, and about 6 million Jews, then 6/11 would give a percentage of 54.5% Jews.
They would be very skinny and their bones would be showing.
Criminals would have been killed because of their crimes, but this would have been part of the justice system, not part of the Holocaust, people were only killed for being Jewish in the Holocaust.
Over 6 million Jews and other peoples were killed and I think that would negatively affect anyone. This does not even include all the friends and family of the people killed that were negatively affected by the holocaust.
Yes, most people would consider death to be punishment enough.
They would have been killed treated inhumane or sent to concentration camps.
Everyone was threatened to be killed. So, since the Germans already killed 11,000,000 total people at the end of the Holocaust, they might have kept going on and killing.
That would be a question of semantics, you could say all were, as being Jewish made someone a criminal. Or you could say that none, as one cannot use one's faith in a legal classification, so as people were killed in the Holocaust for being Jewish, not for any crime, none were killed for being criminals.
Many weren't. It was that they couldn't do anything about it, they would be killed if they tried to resist. The Allies new and were fighting to stop this treatment.
Holocaust victim usually refers to people who were killed in the Holocaust, so it is not clear who you are referring to: refugees from Nazi Germany? Holocaust survivors? Both groups? I imagine that the main library in Houston or the municipal archives would have a good idea.
It is where the Jews would stay and if they could not work they were killed. 6 million Jews were killed
no people would get randomly picked to be in the holocaust
They would be taken to camps or killed.
Adolf Hitler killed 11 million people in the Holocaust. His effort to expand Germany eastward resulted in the deaths of about 15 - 25% of the entire population of Poland. Huge areas of Ukraine were devastated with hard-to-estimate casualties. The Soviet estimate was 20 to 30 million killed within their borders. The total number killed in the war and Holocaust would total well in excess of 30 million people.Personally, he killed himself and possibly his wife. There are stories that he also killed a leader of the SA, but that would be impossible to confirm.