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peace for the whle world. and a lot more organised, fair and generally better.

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Q: If women were to rule the world how different the world would be?
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When will men rule the world?

Never woman have many qualities that over rule the men and are not superior to females. Without women their would be no men to rule the world !!!!

Will women rule the world?

With the progress they are making, as seen in this century, they will.

When did women rule the world?

never, and they won't, because they are too emotional to be world leaders

Who rule the relationship men or women?

It varies with different types of people, some men rule in their relationship, some women rule, whereas most relationships are give and take, meaning that both partners have an equal relationship.

What was the movie with John Saxon played in where the women rule the world?

Planet Earth

How do you meet nice women?

There are numerous ways you can meet nice women. One tip is to be in an environment where nice women would be. For example, the library would have different types of women compared to at a bar. Although, there are nice women everywhere. Women will be nice to you if you are nice to them. The old rule comes into play, treat others how you want to be treated. So, the key to meeting nice women is to be genuinely nice yourself and it will attract them to you.

What song has the lyrics act your age not your shoe size?

"Kiss" by Prince contains that lyric: Women not girls rule my world, I said they rule my world. Act your age, mama, not your shoe size.

What is the plural possive of women?

Yes, a tricky one. Women is plural, but it doesn't end in an S. Because of this, you have to follow the singular rule. The possessive of women would just be women's.

Can girls play in the World Cup?

I do not believe women are allowed to play in the FIFA Men's World Cup, but could find no rule prohibiting it. There is a FIFA Women's World Cup. The next will begin in June 2011.

What are The women rights in early Mexican rule?

what are the women's rights during Mexican rule

What would Atticus Finch want if he could have anything in the world?

to rule the world

Why is Cleopatra relevant to the world?

The only way that Cleopatra is relevant to the world is that if she would have succeeded in her attempt to rule Rome, western culture would have been very different. Otherwise, she just makes a good subject for playwrights and novelists.