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Sodium hypochloride or some stuff I beleive.

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Q: Ingredients of bleach
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Is there bleach in Pine Sol?

Yes, Pine-Sol contains bleach as one of its ingredients.

What are the active ingredients in Clorox bleach?

The active ingredient in Clorox bleach is sodium hypochlorite.

What are three good types of bleaches?

One thing to remember about bleach is that BLEACH IS BLEACH bleach is all the same. It has all the same ingredients as bleach. Buy the cheapest stuff you can find its all the same.

Does peroxide stop bleach from working effectively?

Yes, peroxide can stop bleach from working effectively because it can neutralize the active ingredients in bleach, reducing its cleaning and disinfecting abilities.

Does bleach contain chlorine?

Yes, bleach contains chlorine as one of its active ingredients. Chlorine bleach is a common type of household bleach that is effective in disinfecting and removing stains. It is important to use bleach carefully as it can be harmful if not handled properly.

What are the five main ingredients in your air?

oil, bleach, water, pigs, and soil

Does Pine-Sol contain bleach?

No, Pine-Sol does not contain bleach. It is a disinfectant cleaner that uses other active ingredients to clean and kill germs.

How can you bleach your hair?

You go to a hair salon and ask them to do it for you, or you ask them how to make it homemade with homemade ingredients like hydrogen perxoide, and other ingredients.

Is outdoor bleach better than germicidal bleach?

Bleach can be used as a disinfectant, stain remover and cleaner. The difference between indoor and outdoor bleach is the ingredients, outdoor bleach is stronger.

Why Bleach is often called chlorine bleach?

Bleach is often called chlorine bleach because it contains sodium hypochlorite, which is a compound made from chlorine. Chlorine is a key ingredient in bleach that gives it its disinfecting and whitening properties.