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Q: The South had all the necessary ingredients for industry after the Civil War except?
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How as the north after the civil war?

The Civil War propelled the northern industries into the age of the Robber Barons, the magnates of industry. American began its rise as an industrial wold power. Except for an economic crash or two, the North prospered.

Why was the Civil War necessary?

The civil war was necessary because it help sort out the trouble between the north and the south. No it was not JUST about slavery.

En que partes de los Estados Unidos huvo esclavitud?

The southern states had slavery. Slavery was necessary for the cotton industry of the south before the United States Civil War.

What statement describes the effect of the civil war?

Southern industry rapidly caught up to industry in the North

What city was center of automobile industry after civil war?


The expansion of the American steel industry and railroads during the civil war was made possible mainly by?

coal industry

Was the automobile industry been in Detroit since the civil war?

No, it was many years after the civil war. There were no automobiles in 1865.

Why was the American Civil War necessary?

No war is necessary. But, this was a war over rejoining the Union. So maybe it was.

Was the American Civil War necessary?

No war is necessary. But, this was a war over rejoining the Union. So maybe it was.

Why was the steel industry created?

The steel industry was created to produce steel to supply the demand from manufacturers, civil engineers and builders.

What is the difference between a developing nation and a developed nation?

it's either: -civil obedience - religion -industry or -strikes The answer is industry

North advantages in civil war?

the north had better industry and factory