well,, swastika is a thing from Hitler,,, so, i think not.... well... maybe... -.-'
Just as many Communists in Britain would display the flag of Vietnam, the USSR or such during the Cold War, it was not uncommon for National Socialists to hang NSDAP banners from their windows - either in support of the party or in support of the Weimar Republic, which had adopted the NSDAP banner as it's legal flag in the early 1930s. Nazi party members, supporters or patriots often displayed Swastikas in some shape or form in their windows. There is also some evidence to suggest that the NSDAP would encourage major community figures in an area to display the Swastika from their window to encourage others to support the party, though there is not much (if any) evidence to suggest that the Nazi Party would force ordinary people to display such symbols on a daily basis.
It was legal as a form of punishment.... apex!
It set a pattern for legal and illegal Immigration.
Usually the acquisition is made legal by a peace treaty between the parties concerned.
YES! Why should it be illegal to hug or kiss in public?
In many countries, displaying a swastika in public, including as a tattoo, can be considered a criminal offense due to its association with hate speech and promoting ideologies of hatred. It is important to be aware of the legal implications and societal consequences of getting such a tattoo.
As long as it is not for public display or used in any way for profit, no, it is not illegal.
Yes it is totally legal to do that, go ahead:)
Kim Roberts has written: 'Public interest advocacy in Canada' -- subject(s): Legal services, Public interest law
Only the Nazi version, the use of religious and cultural use is tolerated, however as long if there is no Nazi reference.
Prostitution itself is not illegal in Toronto or in Canada, as it is considered a legal activity. However, there are laws that criminalize certain activities related to prostitution, such as practicing it in public spaces, soliciting clients on the streets, and running a brothel.
Yes, absinthe is legal in Canada.
Is email a legal document in Canada.
Concealed weapons are illegal in Canada. It is illegal to carry a knife in public, concealed or otherwise. so wrong.... `you can carry knives in canada, just check for by-laws.
only if its legal to eat bacon in canada