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No, they are two separate armies.

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Q: Is the union army part of the confederate army?
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Confederate army defeats a union army?

no the Union army defeats the confederate army

Was Maryland a part of the confederate army?

No - Maryland was a Union state

Was General William Sherman part of the Union Army or Confederate Army?

William T. Sherman was a leader of Union soldiers.

Was it the army or the military that fought in civil war?

Army is part of the military.....sooo you're dumb and it was the Army that fought the Civil war. you had the confederate Army as well as the Union Army, battled against eachother....north was the union and the south was the confederate.

What did the confederate army have over the union army?

The confederate army had better generals

Who won Vicksburg was it the union or the confederate army?

The Union Army.

Was major Anderson in the confederate or union army?

he was commanding the union army

How did the Confederate win the Battle at Bull Run?

The Confederates won The Battle of Bull Run because the Union plan was too complicated and General Burnside's army could not get a move on. With a little over half of the Union Army involved in the fighting and the center of the Union Army basically uninvolved, The Confederate army could regroup and attack one army at a time. The Confederate Army did not need to be larger than the entire Union Army. It only needed to be larger than the part that was attacking.

Lincoln used the Union army to do what?

defeat the Confederate Army

What year did the union army defeat the confederate army?


Where did the confederate army surrender to the union army?

The Confederate Army surrendered at Appomattox Court House.

Which army had more soldiers the union army or the confederate army and what were the numbers for each army?

2 Million 213 thousand Union and approximately 1 million Confederate, as accurate information is not available