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yes but most of the names have been kept confidential and listed with a star instead of a name.

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Q: Is there a list of the people who foght in world war 2?
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Why were they fighting in war?

people foght in war because of fairness

Where was World War II foght?

Throughout Europe and Bombed in Japan

Who foght in the war of 1812?

america dummys.//////////////////

During what years was the Civil War foght?

During the years 1860 to 1863 of January

Why did African-Americans help fight against England?

because the owners said if they foght in the war after the war they were going to get freedom.

Was Deborah Sampson nickname Molly?

People in the war called her Molly because she had no facial hair. remember they thought she was a young boy.

Which counteis foght with the axis?

Germany, Japan, and Italy were the main three Axis Powers. Hungry, Romania, and Bulgaria were also part of the Axis Powers, but did not play as much of a role in World War II.

List some of the major battles or events?

world war one and world war war two

What are all the names of the people who were in the world war ll?

There were hundreds of millions of people involved in WW2. This website is not big enough to list all of them.

What war is the Schindler's List based on?

That would be World War 2.

Is there a list of American vets with the china service metal in World War 2?

Yes, there is a list of the American veterans with the China Service Metal in the World War 2.

Is there a list of names receiving Bronze Star in World War 2?

No such list exists.