

Is war necessary

Updated: 8/19/2023
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6y ago

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It's not!


When one country needs to defend itself from the aggression of another, war has traditionally been the only recourse.


Many times, force must be met with force in order to maintain the vital interests of a nation or people. Unfortunately, it is often used as a means of achieving a political agenda. This was the history of the world until after World War II, when all-out wars between countries became limited by the potential of weapons of mass destruction.

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12y ago

Think of the war as 2 kids arguing over a toy. The kids are the countries, the toy is their interests. If there is only one toy or if the first's toy isn't as good or nice, they will fight to get it. Same with wars. The US wants petrole, it attacks the Middle East, the Ancient Greeks wanted to have control of the Dardanelles, they attacked Troy, it is the same old story since the beginning of time.

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6y ago


War isn't good. It's bad. It brings a lot of pain and suffering. But it's one of these things that many hate but are necessary
its not

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12y ago

War is sometimes seen as necessary, which is one reason why countries go to war. President Bush found the war on terror necessary, and thus embarked on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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7y ago

Violence is mainly very bad but might be necessary if you are in danger.

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15y ago

Yes. Yes.

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