Their battle cry was, "Banzai!", a Japanese version of the, "Rebel Yell" from the Confederates during the US Civil War (1861-1865).
"Remember the Maine" was the battle cry that inspired US to enter the Spanish-American War in 1898. I guess there was a similar battle cry about Pearl Harbor but it was probably "Remember Pearl Harbor" and did not relate to any ship, as many ships were destroyed there.
Remember the Alamo
The Japanese battle cry broke the silence of the night as the enemy charged towards our lines.
Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!
Their battle cry was, "Banzai!", a Japanese version of the, "Rebel Yell" from the Confederates during the US Civil War (1861-1865).
You are thinking of 'banzai,' written: 万歳
the battle cry of the Texans was "Remember the Alamo".
A Japanese battle cry beginning with the letter b is 'banzai', which literally means 'Ten thousand years'. The usage of the term then thousand years originates from ancient China, where it was used when adressing the emperor, to express a wish for long life for him. During the second world war, Japanese souldiers would cry out 'Tennouheika banzai!' meaning "May the Emperor reign for ten thousand years", or just simply 'banzai!', when attempting a desperate charge attack, likely to result in death. This battle cry caused the Allied forces to call them 'Banzai charges'.
The duration of Cry of Battle is 1.65 hours.
Cry of Battle was created in 1963-10.
Battle Cry - song - was created in 2008.
Probably, their battle cry was "Banzai"; the Japanese version of the Confederate's "Rebel Yell" (US Civil War 1861-1865).
Kougeki Kaishi ! (start to attack) Ike!(go) Sentou Kaishi! (start to battle)
The Joes' battle cry or motto is," When all else fails, we don't"