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Both Germany and Japan both had to adhere to conquerors policies; for or against. Help support the conqueror, or suffer the consequences.

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Q: Japans war policy in the occupied areas of Southeast Asia?
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Why was d day a major turning point of World War 2?

allied forces were on the continent of europe giving the allies the opportunity to assault German forces in the occupied areas of Europe......

What four countries occupied Germany after World War 2?

After World War 2 Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britian, and France

Where was The Holocaust taken?

The Holocaust started in Germany but spread to other areas that the Germans controlled.

What was the strategy in the battle of Passchendaele?

That battle was in WW1 in France. The battle consisted of an offensive by the British and French armies against the German Army, which, since invading France in August 1914, had occupied large areas of that country.

Why did the Americans demand the Japanese withdrawed from indo-china?

The US may have demanded Japan withdraw it's military forces from mainland China during the 1930's; But Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia-Southeast Asia) was occupied during World War 2. Demanding Japanese Forces to leave Indochina, would also be demanding Japan to with draw it's forces from the Philippines, Wake Island, Guadalcanal, Bougainville, New Guinea, Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, India, East Pakistan, and to remove it's Naval Forces from the Australian/New Zealand areas. A "Demand" is a Political Action. "War" is the accomplishing of a "Political Action" by other than political means. WW2 was fought to REMOVE the Axis Powers from occupied countries, and then have them (the Axis Powers) surrender or be totally destroyed; so that they would NOT and could NOT conquer other nations again.

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