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Q: Lincoln did not want to send more troops to Fort Sumter because of the possible secession of Virginia and other loyal states?
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Is West Virginia a union state?

Yes but when West Virginia was admitted to the Union, it was considered a "border state". West Virginia broke off from Virgina, and was admitted to the Union, as a slave state, in June 1863, and did not secede from the Union. West Virginia broke off from Virginia because there was heavy dispute amongst the counties, which became West Virginia and Virginia, regarding the issue of secession.

Supporters of secession claimed that secession was legal because?

the nation was founded on the principle of consent of the governed.

Why did Virginia vote to become part of the confederacy?

Virginia seceded because Lincoln had ordered the states to raise a troop of 75,000 soldiers to fight the Southern states (confederate states of America) Virginia did not send a single soldier because they did not want to go to war or to have to secede. Virginia was thinking about secession, but held onto the Union until April 17,1861.From Virginia State Convention of 1861. Richmond, Va"The people of Virginia, in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in Convention, on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution, were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression and the Federal Government having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slaveholding States,"Lincoln did not make the first aggressive move."Several states in the Deep South, beginning with South Carolina, had already left the Union in response to the election in November 1860 of Abraham Lincoln as United States president. Virginia, however, hesitated, and debate raged on for months. On April 4, secessionists badly lost a vote but prepared for the possibility of war nevertheless.""Former Virginia Governor, Henry A. Wise, worked behind the scenes and outside the legal process to secure the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry by military means, a move that prompted a furious objection from Unionist Delegate, John Baldwin of Staunton. After the fall of Fort Sumter on April 13 and Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers on April 15, the momentum turned toward secession, and the convention voted on April 17 to leave the Union. Virginians expressed their agreement at the polls on May 23. The state had joined the Confederacy."

How did Abraham Lincoln view the issue of southern secession?

Lincoln stood firm on secession to evolve US as a great nation and great country and at the cost of Civil War and he achieved him aim. He sent a ship for supplies at Union fort in South Carolina and it was fired thus starting the Civil War. He showed his abilities in command , politics and diplomacy to become a great president of US.

Why did garrison change his stand about southern secession when the cicil war began?

because he was in a agreement done

Related questions

Why was West Virginia upset about secession?

Because most of population was against the secession.

Why were people in the western counties of Virginia against secession?

because of pirate booty

Why did many southerns feel that secession was necessary after Lincoln won the presidency in 1860?

because southerners thought Abraham Lincoln was going to remove slavery

Why did Virginia's northwestern counties break away from Virginia?

Because they disapproved of secession from the USA. Also these mountain people had always felt different from the coastal communities.

Who rejected the final compromise to stop the secession movement?

Abraham Lincoln, because it underact the gains made by the 1860 election

Why did Lincoln's election trigger secession?

Because he ran for President on a platform denouncing disunion and calling for an end to slavery in the territories.

Why was lee conflicted over the civil war?

Because he disapproved of secession, but he was passionately concerned with the fortunes of his home-state of Virginia.

Who rejected the final compromise effort to stop the secession movement?

Abraham Lincoln, because it underact the gains made by the 1860 election

Why did west virginia become its own state?

Because the mountain people in the Western counties did not think that Virginia should have seceded from the USA. So they seceded from Virginia.

Why did the US Civil War start?

Because of sectionalism which was caused by secession, states' rights, protective tariffs, Lincoln's election, and slavery.

How did Lincoln election lead to secession?

The election of Abraham Lincoln who promised not to disturb slavery in the states where it existed lead the southern states to secede because of his affiliation with the north. The southern states did not trust Lincoln viewing him as antislavery and too close to northern interest.

What event led to the immediate secession of South Carolina?

The election of Lincoln as the first Republican president, after the Democratic Party had split into two factions. Lincoln had been elected because he was moderate on the slavery issue.