Nieuport, Sopwith, Fokker, DeHavilland, Bristol, Caproni, Vickers, and SPAD were some of the companies that made WW1 airplanes.
there were no airplanes in the word war 1. __ The use of airplanes in the military pre-dates WW1. Airplanes were used for recon, bombing missions and fighters.
What role did airplanes play in the Battle of the Atlantic?
battlefront trenches airplanes and tanks. battlefront trenches airplanes and tanks.
Names of airplanes, ships, all vessels are underlined or italicized.
Some unique names for paper airplanes that I have come across include "Sky Surfer," "Aero Dart," "Glider King," and "Flight Fury."
Lift, Drag, Thrust and Weight.
Most airplanes get there names from the manufactor or they type of airplane and model they are. Just like cars, airplanes have different models and techincal functions the make them different from others. Airplanes whos name begins with either the manufactoring name for sponser are used to transport people or cargo. Such as the Boeing 767, or a cessna 22. Planes whos names beign with a letter or number are ussaully military aircraft and these numbers are used to identify the planes quickly. Planes whos names being with letters a - d are ussed for transportation and services. The c05 of the dc-10. Planes with letter names e, f, and even g are fighter planes with different specifications depending on their following numbers. F-16 f-117. Planes with letter names after m can be specially equiped aircraft in use for missions such as reconissance. sr-21.
Lift, weight, drag, skill and luck (to give it the right amout of kinetic energy).
b-747 b-777 b-787 b-737 a310 a380 a340 hercules harrier stealth
All gliders are airplanes, but not all airplanes are gliders.
Yes, jets really are airplanes but they are faster airplanes.
airplanes are cool
Yes, jets are airplanes but they are called supersonic airplanes.
I think you mean Orville and Wilbur Wright (The Wright Brothers) But there is some dispute as to whether or not they actually "invented airplanes."