One of the earliest battles of the Civil War was the Battle of Manasas or also known by the river's name, Bull Run.
The first ironclad battle of the Civil War (and of history itself) did, indeed, take place at Hampton Roads, Virginia, at the mouth of the James River, on March 9, 1862. Both ironclad warships were damaged during the duel, with the "Merrimac" (or, "Virginia", as she had been renamed before the battle) retreating towards her harbor after the "Monitor" had escaped into shallow water upon taking damage. This first-ever battle between ironclads thus ended in a draw.
Two major battle in the South during the Civil War include the Battle of Chickamauga and the Battle of Stones River.
The North and the South sometimes named their battles differently. The North tended to name them after the nearest river, and the South after the nearest town.
The Battle of Gaugamela was fought near the Tigris and Euphrates River. The battle took place in 331 between the Persians and the Hellenic League.
In the American Civil War, the city of Savannah, Georgia, did not see combat, although Sherman expectied a battle there. (The Confederates escaped across the river into South Carolina). There was also a town of Savannah in Tennessee, which saw some fighting in the Civil War.
Battle of Wilson's Creek
Battle of Wilson's Creek
The Battle of Stone's River took place Tennessee. The battle created a huge number of casualties, numbering almost 24,000 troops.
The US Civil War Battle of Aldie took place in Virginia on June 17, 1863 in Virginia. The battle was fought as General Lee was making his way to the Potomac River. The battle was inconclusive.
The Battle of Pea Ridge, also known as the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, was the largest Civil War battle fought west of the Mississippi River in 1862. It took place in Arkansas and was a key Union victory that helped secure control of Missouri and the Mississippi River.
The US Civil War battle of Stone's River was the result of Confederate Braxton Bragg's attempt to push back the Union army of General Rosencrans. The battle was lost by the South after a fierce artillery barrage. Bragg was forced to retreat.
The first major battle of the Civil War, won by the South, was fought in Virginia, near Manassas Junction and the River Bull Run, on July 21,1861. The encounter was called Battle of First Manassas by the Confederates and First Bull Run by the Unionists..
The US Civil War Battle of Blue Lake River took place on October 21, 1864. It was a minor conflict in Missouri that saw the Confederates win take a victory over Union forces.
During the American Civil War, two battles in particular helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi River. The first took place in 1862 and culminated in the capture of New Orleans by Union forces. The second took place in 1863 and ended with the Union capture of Vicksburg (Mississippi).
The battle of the Marne
The US Civil War Battle of Shiloh took place just off of Pittsburg Landing which lay on the Tennessee River. The Confederate state of Tennessee was its Southern location.