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both its well-trained army and its well-trained navy

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Q: One of the most important additions of the French military to the American cause was?
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What was one of the most important additions of the French military to the American cause?

both its well trained army i forgot the rest haha both its well trained army and its well- trained navy ^^^NESHIA^^^

Who was the French military aide of the American Revolution?


Who was the French military aide in the American Revolution?


What was Franklin's most important contribution to the American Revolution?

He was instrumental in gaining French military equipment, weapons, ammunition and support for the Continental Army.

Why was American War of Independence important to French Revolution?

The American War of independence was important to the French Revolution because the Americans would not have won without the help of the French.

which military struggle in which the British fought against the French and their Native American allies?

French and Indian War.

Why the French and Indian War important?

It was important because it led to the American Revolution

What American President supported the French colonial of Indochina mainly to protect American military bases in Asia?

Harry.s Truman

What American president supported the French colonial control of Indochina mainly to protect American military bases in Asia?

Harry.s Truman

Why was the victory at Saratoga seen as a turning point?

The battle of Saratoga was called the "turning point" of the American Revolution because it was the first victory for the American patriots. After this battle, the patriot's victory convinced the French to join in the Revolution on the American side, thus providing much military support for the U.S. soldiers.

What role did the France play in the American revolution?

the french helped to supply military supplies, food, and ammunition

Why was it important that the the french helped the American army?

They were battling the British and the French already didn't like the British.