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im supposing you mean phisical build mind set etc. I only know of the facts of NVA/vietcong soldiers so anybody with the profile with the south vietnamise soldie please share.

(Phisical build/wieght with gear)- Most NVA/Vietcong soldeirs were short around 5'5 to 5'7. large amounts of muscle was uncommon (espically amoung the Vietcong) because they were trained to live on a singel bowl of rice a day, so any large amount of muscle would ruin the point of that training because it would increase the need for protein and other foods. with all their gear on they probablly weighed around 130 pounds. However Vietcong soldiers could be as young as twelve so their profile would be differnt.

(mental/and phisical health)- The NVA and Vietcong had poor living conditions out in the field (the vietcong even more so) so phisical health was a huge issue. Many diseases were passed around amoung the NVA/Vietcong ranks and personal hygene was low. As far as mental health most could consider the NVA soldiers a little nuts (And again as always the Vietcong more so) mostly do to the large amounts of violence witnessed and also their insane training programs. And since the vietcong and NVA trained children to fight their mental health would much worse then their adult counterparts.

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