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**Daniel Webster**

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Q: Saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?
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For who saving the union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster thought that saving the Union was more important than ending slavery. Webster was a senator from Massachusetts.

For saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster

Who said that saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster

How does President Lincoln's second inaugural address differ from his Gettysburg Address?

in the Gettysburg Address, saving the union is the purpose of the war

Why did Lincoln put saving the Union ahead of ending slavery?

Because Lincon wanted to make sure that the union was strong before he did anything else.

Why did they fight north view?

The North's objective was, first, to restore the Union. After Antietam when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery arose as an important secondary goal.

What did the union of slavery and cotton do?

The union of slavery and cotton were able to impede the South's development into two important areas, the industries and railroad. The union slavery and cotton were also central to the South's prosperity.

What two fronts were being opened up in the war and which one was of most important to President Lincoln?

Although both fronts were important to President Lincoln, ending slavery was more important to him personally than preserving the union.

What was the ending result in the American Civil War?

The Union won, the Confederates lost. Slavery was later abolished.

Did Daniel Webster support slavery?

Webster opposed slavery, but he believed that the preservation of the Union was most important.

Who were more interested in restoring peace rather than saving the union or stopping slavery?

The anti-war Democrats ('Copperheads')

How did the union victory at Antietam shift the union's war aims?

Because Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after this battle the focus of the war was shifted to ending slavery.