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Please would try to give some indication of what you mean. The question is puzzling, to say the least.

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Q: South American Holocaust
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Where did Holocaust German officials go after the Holocaust?

About 90% were never tried and lived happily ever after (sometimes with new names) - in Germany and Austria. A few went to various South American countries.

What was the destiny of Johannesburg Jews during the Holocaust?

If you are talking about the Jews of Johannesburg in South Africa, then the question is puzzling, as South Africa was not involved in the Holocaust.

What countiers were involved in the holocaust?

Most of the countries in Europe. You could also add Japan and some South American coutries as they managed to save some Jews.

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no, but that is what the tv company that produced the series 'Holocaust' tried to do.

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South American.

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Masks that are south american. ...

Where were Jews free from the Holocaust?

North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.

How is learning about young people affected by the Holocaust relevant to growing up in a Democratic South Africa?

The situation in which the Holocaust took place, and the events that lead up to it, are counter to what a democratic and free South Africa stands for. Therefore, learning about the Holocaust is, ideally, also learning to prevent anything similar occurring here, and elsewhere in the world.

Is krakow near Auschwitz in the holocaust?

No, Auschwitz is actually 40 Miles west of Krakow and 214 Miles South, South West of Warsaw.

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Do you mean north american native or south american native?

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