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Nullification Crisis.

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Q: South Carolina's unhappiness with newly developed tariffs eventually led to the?
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How do developed countries maintain an advantage over developed countries in international trade?

They maintain high tariffs on the agricultural goods that many developing countries export.

South Carolina eventually repealed its Ordinance of Nullification in exchange for what?

Congress modified the tariffs in part, but they were also threatened with force.

What was one long-term effect of high U.S. tariffs?

The long term effect of tariffs and other trade barriers are that eventually the prices will increase. The reason that prices increase is that the competition for that business is decreased.

For participating countries what did NAFTA call for?

To reduce and eventually eliminate import/export tariffs. Hence the "North American Free Trade Agreement" or NAFTA.

For participating countries what did and NAFTA call for?

To reduce and eventually eliminate import/export tariffs. Hence the "North American Free Trade Agreement" or NAFTA.

What did NAFTA call for for participating countries?

To reduce and eventually eliminate import/export tariffs. Hence the "North American Free Trade Agreement" or NAFTA.

What are the reasons for high tariffs in US on foreign imports?

Some countries run systems where labor costs are very low, which means some goods can be made very cheaply. So developed nations have to impose tariffs or otherwise their own workers would be unemployed.

What happened to tariffs during McKinleys presidency?

the tariffs increased:]

What is the plural of the word tariff?

The plural form of the noun 'tariff' is tariffs.

How do developed countries maintained an advantage over developing countries in international trade?

They maintain high tariffs on the agricultural goods that many developing countries export.

How do developed countries maintained an advantage over developing countries in the international trade?

They maintain high tariffs on the agricultural goods that many developing countries export.

How do the developed countries maintain an advantage over developing countries in international trade?

They maintain high tariffs on the agricultural goods that many developing countries export.