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the entente powers in the World War 1 were

British Empire

Russia (1914-17)

Italy (1915-18)

United States (1917-18)


Romania (1916-18)



Greece (1917-18)

Portugal (1916-18)


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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the Associated Powers were the countries that joined the Allied Powers at a later date. these countries include Portugal, Japan, and Italy.

[edit: Most importantly the US was an associated power. We did not enter the Great War until Germany began actively targeting our cargo ships in 1917.]

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Belgium and Serbia. America counts in the final few months of the war, but only that final few months.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes they didmby my settings hahaha lol your my bffel

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Great Britain, France, and Russia made up the Triple Entente in World War 1.

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Q: The Entente Powers won World War 1?
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What nations were involved in world war 1 and who won?

Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan were the Entente Powers. They were later joined by America. Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria were the Central Powers. The Entente Powers won the war.

Who won in world war 1 German or brittans?

The Allied Powers (the Entente powers), whose member was Britain too.

Which countries won World War I?

World War I was a WORLD war, it involved most of the world's great powers and more than 2 countries. It was fought by two opposing alliances: the Allies (United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire, Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania and the United States) against the Central Powers (Germany, Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria). The winners were the Allies. The Allied Powers of World War I won. World War I was won by an alliance called several different things. Among those names are The Allied Powers, The Entente Powers and The Triple Entente. The primary members of this alliance included France, Russia, Britain, Italy, and the United States. Philosophically wars do not have winners, as everyone suffers some loss. However, the United States, Great Britain and France most definitely won the 1st World War. They imposed very dire consequences on Germany.

What two alliances fought against each other in World War 2?

If by "teams" you mean what there the names of the two sides in WWI. They were the Central powers and the the Allied powers.The Entente Powers were the countries at war with the Central Powers during World War I. Triple Entente was made up of the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire; Italy entered the war in 1915.Japan, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Romania and the Czechoslovak legion were minor members of the Entente.The United States entered the war as an Associated power on the side of the Entente.They became known as the Allied Powers during that war.The Central Powers; the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. were originally known as the Triple Alliance, and fought against the Allied Powers that had formed around the Triple Entente.

What was the second war that the allied powers won?

world war two

What was the winning side in World War 1?

Tha Allies won it very quickly once the U.S. joined them

Who was defeated and who won World War 1?

Great Britain, France, and the United States defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Russia made a separate peace with the Entente powers a year earlier.

In World War 1 what nation came out on top?

World War 1 was won by the Allies which were different nations known as of the Entente Powers. These nations fought against the Germans, Austria-Hungary, and other countries that were called the Central Powers. The Allies included the United States, France, England, Australia, and many more other nations.

What countries held the victory of World War 1 And what did they want the world to look like?

Countries that won the war were: France, the UK, Italy and the US (and all the other countries accept Russia that fought for the Entente Powers). They wanted the world to develop the Europian way, which we can now watch on the EU countries

Which countries where at war in World War 1?

in world war one there were two groups, the allied powers, which included great britain, russia, france, italy, japan, U.S.( later on in the 1917s), and 25 other nations, and then there were Central Powers, which included germany, austria-hungary(they were one country at the time), ottoman empire, and bulgaria. The people that were mainly fighting also had two "teams" the Triple Entente (Great Britain, France, and Russia) and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy). In the end the Triple Entente (including the Allied Powers) won.

Which alliances won World War 1?

World War 1 was won by the Allied Powers, also known as the Entente. At the outbreak of war it consisted of France, the UK, and Russia, but by the end of the war Russia had left and Italy and the US, among others, had joined.

What resulted from both World War 1 and World War 1I?

The Allied Powers won both world wars. (Allied Powers: Britain, America, Etc...)