the policy of aiding resistance efforts in communist countries in order to roll back Soviet influence in the world
He created the Reagan Doctrine.
There was no American victory in the Cold War. No one won it. The fact that both Communist nations and Communist ones exist today is proof.
Ronald Reagan
In order to defend American interests in the cold war, Reagan streamlined the armed forces and pulled missiles out of Europe. He demanded that the Soviets immediately remove missiles and when they didn't he put American range missiles in Europe and at the USSR.
President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative involved space based missiles and lasers to shoot down Soviet warheads. The system never was built.
He created the Reagan Doctrine.
He created the Reagan Doctrine. (apex)
The Reagan Doctrine aimed to prevent the spread of communism.
The Reagan Doctrine stated that the United States would support freedom fighters.
Venezuela was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine.
Venezuela was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine.
How did president Reagan use the monroe doctrin
Prevent the spread of Communism
Prevent the spread of Communism
Prevent the spread of Communism