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The U.S. entered World War II as a direct result of the bombing, by the Japanese, of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

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Q: The US enter World War ll as direct result of what?
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What was a direct result of World War ll?

people died.

What is the official number of people killed as a direct result of World War 2?

Numbers of the dead vary. However, it has been concluded that between 60 and 80 million people died as a direct result of World War II.

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There are no 'these' in the question! More information is needed.

Which cause was a direct result of world war11.?

The US entered WW2 resulting in a WORLD WAR when it was attacked by Japan on December 7, 1941.

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The Cold War was a direct result of WW2.

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a divided Germany.

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No. It was a direct result of it.

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a divided Germany.

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