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Q: The government has complete control over every aspect of the lives of the citizens in this form of government.The government has complete control over every aspect of the lives of the citizens in this?
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What is the word that means a government has complete control over the citizens?



a political system in which the government exer4cises complete control over its citizens' lives`

The government has complete control over every aspect of he lives of the citizens in this form of government?

Specifically, totalitarianism. Other forms of government can be totalitarian, such as empire, monarchy, or plutocracy.

What best describes totalitarianism?

The government has complete controll over every aspect of the lives of the citizens

Who has control of the legislative branch of government?


Who has direct control of the legislative of government?


Why government was made?

Because citizens were out of control.

Is government a noun?

Yes, it is.1. (n.) governmentthe political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a community, etc.

Are citizens supposed have control over their government?

the citizens are not supposed to have control over their government because if the government didn't have power over the people, how would the government be making the big economic decisions without the reference of the people?

What is the role of citizens in totalitarian government?

Answer this question…To accept the control of the government over their lives

Who was the leader with complete control over the government in world war 2?

Which government are you talking about? Adolf Hitler had complete control over Germany and Benito Mussolini had complete control over Italy.

What is the progressive?

it restore more control of the government to average citizens