Democratic candidates managed to maintain control of many state and local offices in the Southern states.
Voting in free elections
republicans began to loose control of southern state governments to the democratic party, and also began to loose power in the north. Also after grant was reelected in 1872 financial and political scandals in his administration upset voters.
Civilian control of the military is a doctrine in militaryand political science that places ultimate responsibility for a country's strategic decision-making in the hands of the civilian political leadership, rather than professional military officers.
At the end of March 1933, Hitler's coalition government was able to pass an amendment to the constitution which is commonly called the "Enabling Act". The Enabling Act took most of the government's power and basically gave it directly to Hitler himself. So Hitler could make up laws as he wanted, and had full control of all military and police forces, in addition to the Nazi Party's own paramilitary forces. In less than three months, he had successfully outlawed other political parties or had used the threat of arrest or violence to intimidate allied political parties into disbanding and joining his Nazi Party.
Democratic Party
International Coalition for Trachoma Control was created in 1998.
Most likely the Democratic Party is what I have heard! ;-)
Many political parties exist,and no single party has been strong enough to gain control
democratic system
Democratic is what i say
The balance of power was shifting for political parties in the late 1800's. The democratic party was gaining control of Congress in 1874.
B democratic socialism
Republicans control the house with David Ralston as speaker
Usually the government is under the control of a political party or a coalition of political party's. If your party does not have control of the government but does have seats in the parliament or senate then it is an opposition party. That is a party that opposes the government. The official opposition is the party with the second most seats in the house of commons.
this involves bringing down the existing non democratic regimenot allowing the military to control the governmentalso forming a sovereign functional state.
In the south the Democratic party and in the north the Republican Party