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radical Republicans rejected the plan as too lenient

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Q: The wade-davis bill was rendered ineffective when?
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The question of post-war Reconstruction was?

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The Wade Davis Bill was rendered ineffective when?

radical Republicans rejected the plan as too lenient

What is the meaning of rendered ineffective?

It means it was "made" ineffective.

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What is prednisone used for?

Prednisone is a steroid. It's used to strength muscles after a period of sickness which has rendered them as ineffective as they would normally be.

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Prednisone is a steroid. It's used to strength muscles after a period of sickness which has rendered them as ineffective as they would normally be.

What is the meaning of as having been rendered infructuous?

The word means "unprofitable, unfruitful, and ineffective" or something which in the changed circumstances cannot be done or achieved.

Why aren't there many antiviral drugs?

Viruses have the ability to mutate, essentially changing their molecular structure. A drug that was efficacious before the mutation would be rendered ineffective afterwards.

How long can a hospital in California wait to bill after services are rendered?

7 months

If one smokes marijuana will opiate use as a surgical painkiller be rendered ineffective?

No, it will be rendered inCREDIBLE. Opiates and marijuana go very well together - and I'd highly recommend you see if you can tolerate the pain on marijuana instead of opiates as it's a hell of a lot easier to quit and control your dose.

Will service tax be paid for the service rendered outside India by a foreign service provider but bill to an Indian company?

As long as Services are rendered outside India, Service tax is not applicable.

I received a bill for medical services 1 year after rendered do I have to pay?

Doctors do not have any legal time that they have to bill you in. If you owe the money, you do need to pay.