South Vietnamese disliked Victimization for a few different reasons. The main reason was because of the term of the US policy.
"vietnamization" was thhe plan was to encourage the South Vietnamese to take more responsibility for fighting the war. It was hoped that this policy would eventually enable the United States to withdraw gradually all their soldiers from Vietnam, who, in theory, would be replaced by South Vietnamese soldiers.They weren't and Communist north Vietnam won the war. I suppose America could have saved a lot of lives by not getting involved in the first place
Appeasement helped Britain build up their armed forces.
It was basically a policy to prevent communism from spreading. For example, when communist Koreans tried to take over the government, the Nationalist Koreans fought back with the aid of US troops. This was the Korean War. When communism tried to take hold in Vietnam, Vietnamese nationalists fought back with the aid of US troops. This was the Vietnam War. So basically it was a policy that pretty much sent military aid to any country fighting off communism in an attempt to stop it from taking over any more countries.
He adopted a policy of strong coordination and intensification of the efforts by the whole Union that is of their military, industrial, financial, agricultural establishments, aimed to win to costly conflict as soon as possible, without being distracted, within the limit of what was politically possible, by objectives or matters of secondary importance.
President Nixon and the Vietnamization policy emphasized that the US must gradually withdraw its troops from Vietnam and shift the burden of fighting to the South Vietnamese forces. The goal was to allow the South Vietnamese to take on a greater role in the war and enable the US to reduce its military involvement.
What was the US military policy that involved destroying Vietnamese villages?
They resented the French Educational Policy.
The purpose of the Vietnamization policy was to grow and train the military forces of South Vietnam so America could reduce its presence in the country, and eventually exit from the war. The policy was developed during the Nixon administration.
the city provides policy protection to residents
Richard Nixon used the term Vietnamisation to describe this United States' policy. It was to enable South Vietnam to take more responsibility for the war as America planned to withdraw.
President Nixon implemented a policy known as Vietnamization. In effect, this policy would pull American troops out of the Vietnam War. The basis of the policy was that American forces would continue fighting to buy time for the South Vietnamese to be properly equipped with modern firearms and amass numbers to hold their own in the conflict.
South Vietnamese disliked Victimization for a few different reasons. The main reason was because of the term of the US policy.
President Nixon's policy of Vietnamization was designed to shift the burden of Vietnam War onto the South Vietnamese army so the United States army could withdraw from the country. Nixon hoped that the South Vietnamese army would be able to defeat North Vietnam if it continued to receive supplies from the United States. The policy failed. Once the United States army withdrew, the South Vietnamese army was defeated by the North Vietnamese army.
It was a US and vietnamese policy of moving villagers to refugee camps and then burning their villages.