No,Napolean Bonaparte was the Little Corporal due to his height.Adolph Hitler was the Bohemian Corporal,dubbed by Von Hindeburgh because of his lifestyle
Adolf Hitler
Napoleon Boneparte
Adolph Hitler .
Adolf Hitler was a corporal Messenger in the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He was three times decorated for bravery under fire, winning the Iron Cross classes 1,2&3. He was wounded and finally temporarily blinded by Mustard gas towards the end of WWI.
it is a a corporal
Adolf Hitler
Napoleon was called "Petit Caporal" or "Little Corporal." by his troops after he defeated four Austrian armies that he was supposed to just "hold off".
He was called the Little Corporal.
"The Bohemian Corporal" is a nickname for Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a corporal in the First World War. He was also a "Bohemian", meaning a writer or artist, who lives rather unconventionally, and is intellectual by nature. Hitler was an artist in his youth.
Hitler was in the army as a corporal.
It is called corporal punishment. Capital punishment is execution. That would be a little harsh for bad students
Corporal in WW1
the little corporal
private ended as corporal
This corporal was Adolf Hitler.