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West Virginia was a part of Virginia until after the Civil War started, so technically at the start of the war what would become West Virginia was in the Confederacy. However, West Virginia separated itself form Virginia to join the Union as a free state, so West Virginia was aligned with the North after it came to exist as a separate political entity from Virginia.

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Early in the Civil War, the Union easily captured some of the western counties of Virginia. It established a capital and admitted those counties to the Union as a free state. It became the state of West Virginia.

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Q: Was West Virginia in the Confederacy or not?
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What did the western counties of Virginia did in 1863?

Formed their own state of West Virginia, and seceded from Virginia and the Confederacy.

Which state was formed when it seceded from the Confederacy?

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West Virginia was originally part of the State of Virginia. After Virginia seceded and joined the Confederacy, West Virginia seceded from Virginia and joined the Union as a new State.

What state did not belong to the confederacy?

You may be referring to West Virginia, which broke away from Virginia when that state seceded from the Union. West Virginia became a state of the Union in 1863.

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West Virginia

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West Virginia was once part of Virginia. When Virginia declared secession from the United States to become part of the Confederacy, the counties in northwestern Virginia voted to secede from Virginia and remain loyal to the United States. That area of Virginia became West Virginia. West Virginia became the 35th U.S. state on June 20, 1863.

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West Virginia was with Virgina, but they disagreed about succeeding from the union, so they broke away from the confederation.

Why did West Virginia seceed from Virginia?

During the Civil War, those counties of VA supported the Union, not the Confederacy.

What state came from a split from a slave state?

West Virginia split from Virginia at the start of the Civil War due to slavery, and Virginia became a part of the Confederacy while West Virginia remained in the Union.

Who was the president when West Virginia was first established?

Well, The president of the confederacy was Jefferson Davis