Because of the slavery. Many people were disagreed with slavery which led to civil war but Virginia wanted to keep slavery so they created another country. since it was in the west they called it West Virginia.
West Virginia was a part of Virginia until after the Civil War started, so technically at the start of the war what would become West Virginia was in the Confederacy. However, West Virginia separated itself form Virginia to join the Union as a free state, so West Virginia was aligned with the North after it came to exist as a separate political entity from Virginia.
South Carolina
West Virginia is the only one I've heard of.
When Virginia seceded from the Union during the Civil War on 17 Aprol 1861, several counties in the northwestern part of the state decided to secede from the state and remain part of the United States. Lincoln declared West Virginia a state in violation of the US Constitution.
West Virginia was pro Union during the Civil War.
Virginia was on the Confederate side.
West Virginia was part of the Civil War. Many battles occurred in the state.
Before it became a state during the Civil War, West Virginia was made up of the western 49 counties of Virginia, which seceded from Virginia (and the Confederacy) in 1862.
West Virginia West Virginia
Virginia wanted to!
West Virginia
West Virginia
Before the Civil War, the state of West Virginia was part of Virginia. Unionists did not support the Confederacy and established West Virginia in 1863.
They are directly related. No Civil War, no secesion and there would be no West Virginia. Maybe,
Yes- up until the Civil War.
West Virginia was part of Virginia until the Civil War.